I Stand for Equal Relationships / Je m'affiche pour des rapports égalitaires

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October is the month of equal relationships. Are you #ForEqualRelationships? Take a stand, join the movement!


How can I participate?

Download and print the #ForEqualRelationships logo.

Take a team photo (with your coworkers, members of your sports team, etc.) with the logo.

Post this photo on social media with the hashtag #ForEqualRelationships and let people know why you support equal relationships.

Download the #ForEqualRelationships logo by clicking on the following link:

#ForEqualRelationships logo (PDF)            #ForEqualRelationships logo (JPEG)                Facebook cover (JPEG)

Want to do more?

Download and print the #ForEqualRelationships logo. Display it in your shared spaces or include the logo in your online communications throughout the month of October: email signature, blog, website, etc.

Sign the online pledge below and let everyone know: I Stand for Equal Relationships.

Take an action to stand for equal relationships of your own initiative and share it with us: [email protected]


Je me déclare en faveur des rapports égalitaires. 

I support equal relationships.

Talk about equal relationships with my colleagues, friends, family, etc.
Challenge an organization (company, sports team, etc.) or a person to stand for equal relationships.
Another action to stand for equal relationships of my own initiative.

Parler des rapports égalitaires avec mes collègues de travail, mes amis, ma famille, etc.
Mettre au défi une organisation (organisme, entreprise, équipe sportive. etc.) ou une personne de s’afficher pour des rapports égalitaires.
Autre action pour s'afficher #PourDesRapportsÉgalitaires de ma propre initiative.

En signant ce formulaire, je me déclare en faveur des rapports égalitaires.

En cliquant sur Soumettre, je consens à ce que mon nom, prénom et ma région soient diffusés publiquement sur ce site web.

By signing this form, I affirm my support for egalitarian relationships.

By clicking Submit, I consent to having my first and last name, as well as my region, publicly displayed on this website.


Cliquez ici pour consulter la liste des signataires.

Click here to see who else has declared their support.

Click “soumettre” to  submit.

I Stand for Equal Relationships is a campaign to raise awareness and promote equal relationships between all people, regardless of their age, sexual identity, sexual orientation, background, or religion. Supporting equal relationships also means opposing violence in all its forms. More information.




Logo #ForEqualRelationships (PDF)

Logo #ForEqualRelationships (JPG)

Facebook Cover (JPG)

Declaration form: I Stand for Equal Relationships


More information about the I Stand for Equal Relationships campaign

Video «Je m'affiche pour des rapports égalitaires» (in French)

List of signatories to the declaration «I Stand for Equal Relationships»

Questions or comments? Interested in sharing your initiatives, photos, or texts #ForEqualRelationships? Write to us at: [email protected]